For those wanting to try 'doing it themselves' - creating a Blogsite for Business - this series of teleclass training calls will take you from 'absolute beginner' to a Blogsite for Business in just 5 hours.
Across the course of 5 weeks, 60 minutes per week, I will take you by the hand and lead you through the blogging back streets! I'll set you homework tasks and I will provide you with a resource centre where you can download audio recordings of the class as well as written notes.
Series Content
In Week 1, we will start by designing your blog including:
- overall design, theme and content selection and layout
- archiving preferences
- personalising the look of your blog (uploading image files)
- creating categories and a category menu
- creating a 'services' menu (Typelists)
In Week 2, we will get on to blogging (posting) itself. I will show you how to:
- post a blog entry
- creating a good title
- insert images
- insert links
- insert other files eg. word docs to download
- assign a category to a blog entry
- add keywords
- adjusting time and dates of posts
- permalinks
- featured posts
and you will create blog entries for your core services ready for...
Week 3, when we'll look at Typelists (the stuff in the margins) including:
- different types of Typelists
- creating a 'services' menu (Typelists)
- more complex Typelists eg. Google AdSense and affiliate image links
- showing and ordering
- widgets
In Week 4, we continue with configuring your blogsite:
- creating categories and a category menu
- archives
- Publicity - including feeds
- Comments
- About page
Week 5 is when we launch your Blogsite to the world
- populating your blog with at least 3
blog entries I'll give you ideas on where you can find content
- final fixing - sorting out any specific issues read for...
- making your site 'public'
Other Information
- To ensure that you get a personal service, there will be no more than 5 participants per call.
- To take part, you will need a broadband Internet connection and the ability to talk on the 'phone at the same time. A 'hands free' head set or speaker phone would be ideal.
- For the benefit of the group and to ensure your success, participants will need to be reasonably proficient in basic PC and web navigation skills.
- Calls will be made via a US telephone line, so UK participants who do not already have a cheap call provider should sign up at who offer calls to US landlines for 1p per minute.
- Calls will usually take place on a Monday or Tuesday at 7.30pm GMT or BST, although if there is sufficient interest, a weekend series could be arranged.
The fee for the full Series of 5 calls is $357/£187 payable via PayPal.
To book, please email me at the address at the top of the page for information on next scheduled date.