A real quickie today... I'm currently doing some really exciting work for new and existing clients, I have a new Podcast Production Company to develop, a new PC, a new (and quite wonderful) boyf and I took 2 days out to go (and speak) at the Corporate Podcasting Summit earlier this week. As a result, I'm struggling a bit with time management.
One of the things I wanted to achieve in moving to Wales, was to have more time for 'fun & recreation', rather than working into the small hours as I used to do as a single Londoner. This is totally doable, but typically, I burn the candle at both ends and then wonder why my productivity levels plummet. I must get more sleep! Anyway...
Check this link... it will take you to a page where you can download a montage of one of the round table discussions at the European Corporate Podcasting Summit. Not sure I agree with everything that's being said there and will blog more about that over at www.PodcastProductionCo.com just as soon as I've cleared my backlog.