Well hello!.. remember me?.. Business Blog Angel?.. sorry it's been so long since I last posted: combination of a bad back, lots of exciting business blogging projects and another impending house move have been keeping me away from my own blog lately.
The projects I've been working on have all received my usual high standard of service, but I have a number of clients at the moment who have been waiting far too long for proposals, invoices and slots. Generally speaking, it's considered 'a bad idea' to admit to your weaknesses in business - particularly publicly like here on a blog - but I feel the need to offload my unrest about the situation and here seems as good a place as any.
So what am I doing about it?
Well, first of all, I have a new VA starting next week who will be helping out on the admin side including diary management. I am also actively seeking a Typepad support assistant to carry out some of the basic config tasks - not found the right person yet, but the Universe will deliver in good time I am sure. If you know of anyone who may be suitable, please do use the little 'Email this' link at the foot of this post to email them and let them know I'm looking.
Having these 2 co-workers on board will not only mean increased efficiency, time management and productivity, but also that I can can crack on with getting my BusinessBlogAngel's 'over the shoulder, step-by-step guide to building a business blog' product finished and out there and get back on track with my own blogging and podcasting activities.
I shall be posting some more case studies over the coming weeks - I just realised that I haven't posted one since February! - as well as, creating some hotlinks to some of the more popular and useful posts here. So, that's all for now folks... I have a stack of things to do for you...