There's nothing like blogging about something to get it clearer in your mind.
Now that we've convinced ourselves (and hopefully you too!) of the merits of writing a blog series, branding posts and creating a product that's going to have a long shelf-life Claire and I couldn't wait to launch our new mega-series.
It's called Practical Tips For Business Bloggers... and yes, it'll do just what it says on the tin :-)
UPDATE: 06/06/08 - Episodes to date include:
Intro: Showing off Your Content
Part 1: Should I Have A Welcome Post On My Blog?
Part 2: Use Bold And Bullets To Break Up Your Posts
Part 3: Break Up Your Posts With Quotes
Part 4: One Simple Programme That Can Save You Blogging Time
Part 5: "Continue Reading" With Style
Part 6: How Do I Format Links?
Part 7: How A Footer Helps You Blog for Business
The series is aimed at business bloggers who:
- are just getting started
- have been blogging for a while, but always wondered how to (x, y or z...)
- are always looking for ways to improve their blog
And if that sounds like you, read on.
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