I've been crazy busy over the last few weeks, working on various client projects AND 2 of my own. Typically, when I'm busy with client work, my own projects don't get much a look-in - an all too familiar issue for most self-employed people, too busy working IN our businesses, rather than ON them. Technically, I'm taking today and tomorrow off, but I really don't want to let another day slip by where I start a new post for this blog and then fail to finish and publish it PLUS I am so excited by these 2 projects that I am itching to share all the news. So...
Monday saw the launch the Authentic Marketing Party, a new podcast I'm producing together with the incredibly talented Online Marketing & Business Success Coach Victoria Player. I've not known Victoria for very long - and I've never actually met her 'in the flesh' - but working with her (virtually, of course) has been AMAZING. She is brilliant fun, unbelievably dynamic and really, really knows her onions.
I still can't quite believe that it was only 3 weeks ago (to the day)
that we first broached the idea of doing an Authentic Marketing
podcast together!!! In that time, we've created our authentic brand -
we are "the "Loose Women" of authentic marketing", a teaser
campaign, a Facebook fan page, a Twitter profile - @marketingparty,
a blogsite home (www.AuthenticMarketingParty.com)
and the first episode which went out on Monday and is listed on iTunes! I messed up the sound a bit on
the editing, so my voice is far too loud compared to Victoria's, but
I'll get better and as I said to one of our (Warning: gratuitous 'boast'
approaching) 100 Facebook fans (thank you!), imagine how
intimidating I'd be if I were perfect! [chuckle]
Right, I'm out of time again... so rather than 'Save Draft', I'm
going to publish this and post again as soon as I can about the other
thing... in the meantime, please do have a listen (it's only 15 mins long) and leave
your feedback/suggestions etc. on the blog. See you soon...
This post was published first here: